Monday, December 15, 2008

It's the end!

Well I certainly didn't finish as many projects as I had wanted, but I like the things that DID get fnished and that is half the battle... my cost so far? $10.74. It's a great feeling to use up some of the fabrics that I've had on hand!

Without further ado:

I'm sure I'll finish more projects before Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2008

This is why I have so many unfinished projects...

I'm working on a self-drafted pattern this morning for the 'guys bags', and as I'm cutting my side pieces this is what is going on in my head....

I should make templates for this piece, the sides are the same size as the bottom...

I think I have glass templates from the heat bags, I wonder what size they are...

I could change the size of the bag to match the size of the glass templates...

I could get tiles from Lowe’s for templates...

I have some large tiles, I wonder what size they are…

I could make dry erase boards with those tiles...

I could mount them to drywall and put molding around them and paint it black...

I could put it on an easel...

How would I attach the marker?

And just like that – the project I’m working on is forgotten (even the mess)... and I’m off to look for tiles.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A late update....

We've been sick around here so not much has gotten accomplished. I've placed a 9 yard fabric order at JoAnns and am hoping it arrives soon to be made into gifts! AND in the spirit of being thrifty, each yard was only $1.79! Not all of the fabric is for gifts so once I decide just what I'll be using I will add it to my amount spent.

I've also done a test piece for another gift I'm making for 'the guys', and while it wasn't a complete bust I'm just not happy with it and will be trying another tweaked pattern this morning...

I did spend $3 at the dollar store buying different sized notebooks and calendars for another gift... I'll take a stab at that project hopefully this weekend!

Pics as soon as I have them!